How to Make Your Perfume, Fragrance Last Longer?

Believe it or not, your perfume can smell longer. There are a few tricks to help your favorite perfume last longer.

How to make perfume scent last longer on skin?

Build up layers of scent on the skin by using different forms of the same fragrance - perfumed soap, bath oil, gel or body lotion.
You can also help your perfume to go the distance by applying some petroleum jelly or cream to your skin, and then applying your scent on top of that. The perfume droplets will cling to the petroleum jelly or cream - rather than sinking into your pores - which can reduce or eliminate the need to reapply fragrance later in the day. Look for scentless versions,  to avoid an olfactory clash.

Perfume scent on warm skin.

The best way to wear fragrance is on the skin at the pulse points: the wrist, behind the ears, elbows and on the neck. Don’t rub it in! Let the fragrance cling naturally to your skin. This is where the fragrance will have the most projection due to the fact that the skin warms up here.
However, heat drives off a perfume faster. The more heat, the quicker the perfume will disappear.
To ensure your morning spray is still there after lunch, look to less hematic spots, like your forearms or the back of your neck, which release the scent more slowly. Or, for more intrigue, spray fragrance on your hair and let the natural movement of your hair release a trail of intoxicating fragrance.
If you’re wearing a lot of layers, spritzing your scarf or coat with fragrance is a great way to keep surrounding yourself with fragrance. 

How to make perfume last longer on clothes?

To make the scent on your clothes last longer and smell amazing, line your dresser drawers with tissue paper and spray them with your favorite scent in advance. 
Apply the perfume on the edges of your coat’s lining and on the other pieces you wear where it won’t be visible. You can spray a little to a scarf or a shirt, if you want maximum impact all day.
Refrain yourself from applying the perfume under your armpits, as the concoction of your personal perspiration and perfume is not the most flattering scent on the planet.

Always store your perfume in a cool and dark place.

Storing a fragrance correctly will help increase its lifespan. It’s important to store your fragrance bottles in a cool, dark place - so preferably not in the bathroom cabinet. If perfume resides on your bathroom shelf then heat, moisture and light will gang up on its chemicals, breaking down the constituent ingredients. Which means it stops smelling like it should and won’t last as long. Don’t save your fragrance for “special occasions”: fragrance is to be worn and enjoyed.
Glass and aluminium bottles are the best for storing perfumes. A temperature of 3-7 degree is ideal temperature for storing.

Opened a perfume bottle.

Don't leave the fragrance cap off or open the bottle too frequently. Forgetting this very important step can also have negative consequences. It exposes the fragrance to air, which can oxidize and create disturbing off-odors.

How long will an opened bottle of fragrance last?

It all depends how you store perfume. Once a bottle of fragrance has been opened it should be used because all fragrance deteriorates with time: light, citrus-based perfumes in as little as six months; floral scents in about a year and a half. But if you keep it away from light, heat and humidity, it can last for years. One more thing to note: natural ingredients that are free of preservatives won't last as long.

Where do you store your perfume?

Proper perfume storage is paramount in maintaining the integrity and longevity of your fragrance. Perfumes are sensitive to environmental factors; exposure to heat, light, and humidity can lead to degradation and alteration of the delicate balance of scents. To preserve the quality, store your perfumes in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources such as radiators. It's also advisable to keep them in their original packaging if possible, as this can provide additional protection against light and temperature fluctuations. 

Avoid storing perfumes in bathrooms, where frequent changes in temperature and humidity are common. By following these simple yet effective storage guidelines, you can ensure that your favourite scents retain their complexity and character for as long as possible, allowing you to enjoy their full aromatic experience every time you use them.

Which are perfumes long last on your skin, clothes?

Maybe you have tips and you can write them in the comments section below. All about perfume.